Knitting Group

Our knitting group is doing really well. We've been selling lots of hats because it is winter here in Zambia. Nothing of course compared to Canadian winters, but still cold enough, especially at night! The night guards especially appreciate the warm hats. We've also had orders for baby outfits and kits. Fantastic!

Here are a few photos of our hats around town.

New Home for the Container

We finally moved the container to its new home this week. Whoo hoo! It was pretty exciting. Thanks to Lungisha Breakdown Recovery Services in Ndola, we had this beautiful crane pick up the container and move it on to the foundation. It was amazing to see how easily it just lifted the whole thing. What a relief it was for me after the chaos we had the first time round.

It was all too much for all the kids in school and everyone came out to watch--but honestly, who could blame them?? It's not everyday that they get to see this kind of spectacular machine in motion.
Where the container was originally dropped
Almost there...'s done. Look closely and you'll see the sun rays of happiness :)

A big thanks to Kevin and Paul from Lungisha for making it all possible! Next: renovating the container!