
The pastor of the church is also a teacher at a local school in town. This week, 5 boys, all under the age of 9, admitted to having been initiated into witchcraft. One of the boys, admitted to having killed 5 people as part of this rite.

While we are often open to all religions and beliefs in Canada, it is important for us to start to take a look at what is good and what is not and not be so politically correct that everything is acceptable. Children like these come into bondage for life because of these acts. They will always be under control of those with power. They will be encouraged to kill friends and family as a way to increase their status. They will drink the blood of their victims. They do this because they are lost, poor and seeking a way out of circumstances. We must give them a better way, better options and a true Saviour who loves them.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear that Natasha. May God give you grace and an ability to see many children set free to walk in the power and love of Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!
